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Character Creation A11010 Rabbidkunoichi Character Creation A21010 Yakikoto Character Creation Azurek11
Hiei Nakamura Character Creation 12-3210


 Character Creation

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Posts : 57
Join date : 2010-07-13

Character Creation Empty
PostSubject: Character Creation   Character Creation EmptyFri Jul 16, 2010 10:35 pm

General Information:

Name: (Japanese Style: Last Name, First Name)

• Nickname/Alias: (Only If you have any)

• Height: (How tall you Are)

• Weight: (How Heavy or Lite you Are)

Age: (Your Age, please be Reasonable)

Gender: (Male or Female)

General Appearance: (How Your Character Looks, Give a Picture and Two Paragraph Minimal Description)

Personality: (Give at least Two Paragraphs)

Clan Information

• Kekkei Genkai: (Just The Name of it)

• Description: (Description of the Clan)

• Special Effect: (What does the Kekkei Genkai do?)
- Visual Appearance: (If Doujutsu, describe or give image of it)

• Link: (Link to Approval)

Skill and Rank Information

• Village: (What Village, you are from, if a Missing Ninja please place a Strike)

• Rank: (What rank are you?)

• Specialties: (Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Taijutsu, Kenjutsu, Fuuinjutsu, etc . . .)
- Main:

• Special Characteristics: (Ex: Extra Limb, Tattoos, Extra Chakra)

Elemental & Jutsu Information

Elemental Affinity

• Primary Element (S-E Ranked Jutsu)
• Secondary Element (A-E Ranked Jutsu)
• Combination (Only if Clan based.)

Jutsu (If they All don't fit, put in another post)

• Name: (Name of your jutsu, or technique)
• Rank: (Rank of your jutsu, or technique - E, D, C, B, A, S, X)
• Element: (Elements needed by your jutsu, [includes sub-elements] or technique)
• Requirements: (Requirements your character must have to perform said jutsu, or technique)
• Description: (Description of your jutsu or technique)

RP Sample/History

Rp Sample: (Only if Applying for Jounin Ranks or Higher)

History: (Please Place in Arcs.)

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