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Tai Kayami A11010 Rabbidkunoichi Tai Kayami A21010 Yakikoto Tai Kayami Azurek11
Hiei Nakamura Tai Kayami 12-3210


 Tai Kayami

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Tai Kayami

Tai Kayami

Posts : 5
Join date : 2010-07-17

Tai Kayami Empty
PostSubject: Tai Kayami   Tai Kayami EmptySat Jul 17, 2010 4:50 pm

Basic Character Information:

Name: Tai Kayami
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Clan: Kayami


Tai Is A Very Decent Looking Person, His Hair Is Bright Green, As Kazekage He Should Wear The Kazekage Outfit But Instead Proceed's To Wear Jonin Styled Outfit's, His Eye's Are A Kind Off Crystal Colour To Match His Kekki Genkai


Tai Is Not Your Usual Kage, He Rarely Does Paper Work, Normally He Himself Is Out On Mission's And He Respects His People, Caring and Loyal He Would Do Anything To Keep His Village Safe,

Basic Clan Information:

Clan Name: Kayami
Kekkei Genkai: Crystal Release
Clan Symbol: A Star Made Up Of Crystal's
Clan History: The Kayami Clan Is A Clan That Was Thought To Have Been Deceased, No One Had Reallly Heard About It Untill Tai Came Along, The Clan's Kekki Genkai Is A Crystal Released Style Off Jutsu's, This Is Used By Combining Earth and Water, The Kayame Clan Once Blossomed Until The Ninja War, Simply A Mysterious Clan.

Rank Information:

Rank: Kazekage
Village: TheSand Village

Skill Information:

Skill Specialty: Crystal Release
Elemental Affinity: Fire,Earth
Special Characteristics: Using His Kekki Genkai Tai Can Use The Crystal Release Jutsu's,
Kekki Genkai Jutsu's :

Crystal Armor
Crystal Release: Arrow of Light
Crystal Release: Crimson Fruit
Crystal Release: Crystal Encampment Wall
Crystal Release: Crystal Imprisonment Wave
Crystal Release: Crystal Lance
Crystal Release: Crystal Needles
Crystal Release: Crystal Pentagonal Prison
Crystal Release: Crystal Wheel
Crystal Release: Growing Crystal Thorns
Crystal Release: Jade Crystal Blade
Crystal Release: Jade Crystal Hexagonal Pillars
Crystal Release: Jade Crystal Labyrinth Technique
Crystal Release: Jade Crystal Mirror
Crystal Release: Jade Crystal Prison
Crystal Release: Jade Crystal Wall Eighth Formation
Crystal Release: Shuriken Wild Dance
Crystal Release: Tearing Crystal Falling Dragon
Crystal Release: The Gods' Crossings Technique
Crystal: Giant Hexagonal Shuriken
Crystal: Hexagonal Shuriken
Crystal: Hexagonal Shuriken: Wild Dance
Jade Crystal Clone Technique


Exploding Flame Shot
Fire Release: Exploding Flame Crater
Fire Release: Fire Breath
Fire Release: Fire Dragon Flame Missile
Fire Release: Fire Dragon Missile
Fire Release: Flame Bullet
Fire Release: Flame Flower
Fire Release: Great Dragon Fire Technique
Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique
Fire Release: Mist Covering Technique
Fire Release: Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique
Molten Earth Wild Eruption Technique
Fire Release: Roaring Flame Sphere
Fire Release: Running Fire
Earth Clone Technique
Earth Dragon Bullet
Earth Release: Bedrock Coffin
Earth Release: Destructive Rising Rock Pillars
Earth Release: Earth Corridor
Earth Release: Earth Dome
Earth Release: Earth Dragon Bullet
Earth Release: Earth Flow Divide
Earth Release: Earth Flow Rampart
Earth Release: Earth Flow River


Name: Normal Shinobi Weapons
Special Abilities:

History and RP Sample:


When Tai Was A young Baby, He Experienced A Dramatic Even't, His Clan Was Murdere'd, His Mother Had Escaped The Massacre, She Ran To The Border, There She Met A Jonin From The Sand Whom Was On Night Duty,She Handed The Baby Off To Him Along With A Scroll And A Letter, Her Last Word To The Jonin Were, "Protect My World", The Man Was Named Fu, He Was A Nice Man, He Skimmed the Letter And Was Shocked, There Leader Mad With Power And Jelousy Destroyed The Kayami Clan, Well He Knew Tai Would Want Revenge When He Was Older So To Help Him Get Stronger Fu Decided To Break One Rule, He Was In Charge Off Keeping The Seven Tailed Beast. He Decided To Seal It Within Tai,

Academy Arc...

Tai Kept Himself To Himself At The Academy, His Adoptive Father Had Already Began Teaching Him Ninjutsu Genjutsu And Taijutsu Etc, He Excelled At The Practical Part's Off The Academy But At The Book Stuff Yeah Not So Much, Kid's Thought He Was Wierd...A Freak Due To The Fact He Would Be Seen Talking To Himself As If He Was Talking To Someone Else, True No One Knew He Had The Seven Tailed Beast Within, Tai Seemed To Be Able To Control The Beast Easily For Now Or Maybe The Beast Was Just Waiting For The Right Moment, Finally The Exam Came And He Managed To Pass The Practical Part With Ease, The Written Not So Much, He Managed to Pas By A Mark,

Genin Arc,

After His Tenth Mission, Fu Told Him all About His Clan's Murder, Anger Pulsed Through Every Part Off His Being And Then....Green Chakra Formed Around Him Before A Tail Formed Aswell, But It Stopped Abruptly As Fu Grabbed The Boy And Embraced Him, Tear's Fell Down His Face Before Fu Todl Him About His Clan's Ability, The Day's To Follow Were Tough, In The End Fu Taight Tai All ABout Earth Styled Techniques, And Now It Was Time, The Chuunin Exam's Were Starting,

Chuunin Exam's Part One

The Chuunin Exam, Tai's Biggest Challenge Yet, The First Exam Was A Written Test, Man He Knew None Off These Answer's His Heart Pummeled, The Procters All Were Writing On There Boards And Then People Started Being Told To Leave, What's Happened To Everyone, Finally The Final Question Came, And Without Answering Any Question's Tai Passed, Man What A Relief, Then Another Proctor Walked In, She Told Us We Had Five Day's To Prepare For Exam Two,

Exam Two Preparation Arc...

Well Having Passed His First Exam, Fu Decided To Treat Tai To An Ice Cream, While They Were There Who Walked In..The Kazekage, His Heart Started To Pound As His Blood Boiled, He Could Hear His Bijuu Talking To Him, Tho It Was'nt Telling Him To Attack It Was Telling Him to Calm Down, As Was Fu, Unable To He Ran, Straight Past The Kazekage And Down To The field's Were Fu Followed, It Was Then Fu Started To Teach Him About Fire Nature, Thankkfully The Exam's Were Being Held In The Sand Village This Year, He Trained Hard To Master Fire Nature Chakra And On The Fourth Day He Had It Down, Day Five Was Were Fu Trusted Him With His Scroll To The Crystal Release.

Chuunin Exam Part Two

Now It Was Time To Take Part In The Second Chuunin Exam, Tai Was Walking Towards The Area Called the Cavern Off Destruction, The Cavern Was Kind Off Like The Forest Off Death In Konoha But The Beast's Were Stronger And Much Harder To Defeat, As He Walked He Smiled Looking Over At The Other Genin From The Other Village's, He Wondered How Many Would Survive, Well The Leader Off The Exam Handed Each Team A Scroll, Upon The Scroll That Tai's Team Was Given Was The Symbol For Earth, The Other Scroll Had The Symbol For Wind, Once All Had Been Told What They Must Do The Young Genin Set Off Into The Cavern's, It Was Quick Tai's Team Were Already Attacked By Another, A Fight Raged On Jutsu After Jutsu After Jutsu Was Used, Earth Churned While The Air Was Painted With Red Blood, Blow After Blow Had Been Traded Untill It Was Over, And Only One Ninja Remained, Tai Kayami Stood In The Centre Panting, His Team Mate's Blood And The Blood Off His Opponent's Stained His Clothes, He looked Around Those Bastard's Killed His Teammate's And Tai Killed There Opponent's Anger Over Powerd Him As He Picked Up Another Earth Scroll, They Were Dead For Nothing, Suddenly The Seven Tailed Appeared Within Tai's Head, He Knew THat He Was Going TO Have To Use The Beast's Power, With A Nod Chakra Molded Around Him As A Green Tail Emitted From The Bubble's, Then He Was Gone, The Speed Was Amazing Tai Had'nt Felt Anything Like This Before, It Was Only a Matter Off Second's When He Came Upon Yet Another Team, Tho He Did Not Want to Kill Anymore, He Noticed That They Were Bathing By The Stream There Scroll Was There And It Had the Air Symbol Upon It, He Moved Fast And Grabbed The Scroll, He Was Gone, Only A Second Later Did He Hear The Team Shout At Each Other About Who Lost The Scroll, Tai Was Moving So Fast It Was Incredible As He Passed Team's Who Were Blown Back By The Speed, And Then He Had Done It He Was Out Off The Cavern It Had Only Been About A Day, Out Off The Cavern He Opened The Scroll And Fu Was There, He Looked At His One Tailed Son, Tai Seemed To be Fully Incontrol, The Chakra Vanished Into The Air As Tai Stood Up On His Feet Again, His Father Asked About His Team And he Explained About The Ambush, He Had Two Week's to Prepare for The Final Exam,

Final Exam Prepiration's Arc...

Kenshi Had Two Week's and He Knew Exactly What He Was Going To Do With That Time, He Walked Back To The Cavern Were The Second Task Had Taken Place And Entered, He Was Going To Remain Here For Two Week's And Train The Crystal Release Style, He Practiced And Practiced, He Was Able To Pick It Up Quickly Within The First Day He Had Already Managed to Perfect The Crystal Release Crystal Armour, He Was Doing Great And He Knew the Kazekage Would be Watching, He Was Going To Shock That Bastard, He Would Show Him The Kayami Clan Would Live On Through Him, He Tained And Trained for Those Two Week's Untill Finally He Had Mastered Most Off The Techniques Upon The Scroll,

Chuunin Exam Final,

It Was Time For The Chuunin Exam, Tai Was Last To Fight, He Watched As Ninja And Ninja Fought The Konoha Lot were Rather Exceptional This Year, He Watched As The Sand Lost More And More Untill It Was His Turn, He Was Fighting a young Man Known as Minato Uchiha, Hmm An Uchiha.. The Fight Was Underway, It Started Off With a Fire Style Battle Both Warrior's Spat Out A Huge Ball Off Fire At Each Other And Both Dodged, Then He Came At Tai With What Seemed To Be An Earth Styled Attack, Tai Countered With his Own Earth Styled Jutsu, Then It Came To Taijutsu, it Was Obvious That The Uchiha Was Skilled With His Sharingan Even At This Age As He Slammed Tai Into The Wall, Well He Had Drawn This Out Had'nt He, Performing The Handseals Boar → Dragon → RamTai Shouted The Name Off The Technique Which Was Crystal Release : Tearing Crystal Falling Dragon, From The Earth Shot A Dragon Made From Crystal, It Shone Blue In The Sun Sky, As Soon As The Dragon Appeared Tai's Attention Shot To The Kazekage Whom Had Stood Up From His Seat, His Eye's Widened Greatly, The Battle Was Over The Dragon Had Crashed Directly Into The Uchiha Who Had Tried Shooting Fire Ball's to Stop It, The Dragon Did Not Vanish Tho Instead It Came To Tai Who Jumped Upon It Smiling, The Jonin Called The Match And Soon Enough Tai Was Made A jonin Along With Some Leaf Village Shinobi,

Jonin Arc,

After Becoming a Chuuning, Tai Devoted His Life To Learnign The Rest Off The Scroll, He Had Accomplished this Within Half A Year (Due To The Large Ammount Off Chakra Needed To Use THe Jutsu That SUmmon's The Three Tails) He Had Become An Established Crystal User And Host, His Friend The Seven Tailed Stuck By Him giving Him The Extra Chakra He Needed to Pull Through Each And Everytime, Thus Having seen His Potential The Village Elder's Agreed To Promote Him to Chuunin,

Kazekage Fight,

Tai Kayami The Crystal Release Master, That's All The Kazekage Was Hearing, His Jelousy Was begginign To Rage, He Thought He Destroyed This Clan Why Are They Still Haunting Him, Tai Knew That The Praise He Was Given Would Anger The Kage And Knew He Would Be Coming For A Fight, And He Was Correct, Once More It Was Almost Christmas, Tai Was Know A Twenty Two Year Old Shinobi, Christmas Day Came And Fu's House Was Under Attack, Tai Whom Was Staying There Was Angered By The Attack, Twenty Two Year's Ago He Attacked His Village And Now He's Attacking His Home, With a Few Simple Handseal's Crystal's Shot Up To Protect The House, Tai Walked Right Through The Crystal's And Looked At The Anbu Who Immediatly Jumped Toward's Tai, Once More Handseal's Were Formed, The Anbu Would be Frozen In Mid air for a Few Second's Encased In Crystal Before They Fell To The Ground And Smashed, Disintergrating There Bodies Aswell, All The Anbu In The Area..Takin Down By One Attack, This Must Have Been A Sign Thought Tai, It Was Then HE Came Around The Corner, The Kazekage, Soon The Sand Village Was Alive With The Sound Off Battle, The Kazekage Was a Master Off Lightning And Fire, Fire Style Jutsu Lit Up The Battle Field As The Fight Was Heating Up, Blasts Off Lightning And Crystal Shards Were Flowing Through The Air, Untill It as Almost Over, Having Finally Had Enough Tai Formed The Handseal's For The Crystal Style's Hidden Jutsu, From The Ground Shot Up From The Ground Around Tai, His Chakra Blared Into The SKy As He Bit His Thumb And Wiped It Upon The Crystal Closest To Him, Then There Was a Massice Puff Off Smoke, Infront Off The Kazekage Stood The Three Tailed Beast Whom Was Under Tai's Control, With That The Battle Raged On The Kazekage Was Losing And All The Villager's Looked On, They Had Heard the Story From Fu Off The Kayami's Destruction, Now They Witnessed His Jelousy First Hand, The Kage Was Knocked to The Ground And With That, Tai Waved His Hand And The Beast Was Gone, One More Jutsu And The Kage Was Imprisoned Within Crystal..For Eternity,

Crowned Kage Arc,

After The Battle Tai Lead The Village In Repair's, Within Two Week's The Village Was Better Than Ever Tho Without A Kage, This Was When The Elder's Approached Tai, They Asked Him To Be The Kage Off The Sand And He Gratefully Accepted, He Had Completed His Mission To Avenge His Clan And Now He Would Carry On His New Mission....To Protect His Village

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Hiei Nakamura

Hiei Nakamura

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Tai Kayami Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tai Kayami   Tai Kayami EmptySat Jul 17, 2010 4:54 pm

I see no problems

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Tai Kayami Empty
PostSubject: srry tai   Tai Kayami EmptySat Jul 17, 2010 5:11 pm

im srry tai even though hiei doesnt see any problems i however do the clan needs to be posted and approved before your approved srry but ur unapproved until u fix the app
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Hiei Nakamura

Hiei Nakamura

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Tai Kayami Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tai Kayami   Tai Kayami EmptySat Jul 17, 2010 9:24 pm

Whats wrong with it? im sorta confused?
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Tai Kayami Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tai Kayami   Tai Kayami EmptySat Jul 17, 2010 9:45 pm

He has all this kekkai genkai jutsu which u hav to have a clan for and he hasn't posted the clan on this site and the clan hasn't been approved.
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Hiei Nakamura

Hiei Nakamura

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Tai Kayami Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tai Kayami   Tai Kayami EmptySat Jul 17, 2010 9:46 pm

Ah i see. i just trusted that he knew he had to post those. my bad xD
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Tai Kayami Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tai Kayami   Tai Kayami EmptySat Jul 17, 2010 9:59 pm

It's cool
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PostSubject: Re: Tai Kayami   Tai Kayami Empty

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