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Mirage A11010 Rabbidkunoichi Mirage A21010 Yakikoto Mirage Azurek11
Hiei Nakamura Mirage 12-3210



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Mirage Empty
PostSubject: Mirage   Mirage EmptyMon Jul 19, 2010 12:24 am

General Information:

Name: Unknown (Presumed to be: Tetsu)

Nickname/Alias: Mirage, Hiro (Pronounced as Hero)

Height: 6'1

Weight: 162 lbs

Age: 23

Gender: Male

General Appearance:

Tetsu is first and foremost a philosopher. He is a student and observer of life whose primary concerns relate to the larger picture of humanity rather than the immediate worldly concerns of the average shinobi. Among his strongest beliefs are that those with Kekkei Genkai, particularly the Onoda, are destined to do something greater with their abilities than to lay carnage upon other human beings. However, Tetsu is oft hesitant to declare what that “something greater” is, afraid that his own perspective of being an Onoda may cloud his judgment of what is “good” or “evil”. Having spent a third of his life in deep contemplation, Tetsu attempts to view things from all viewpoints equally and try and encourage a solution that benefits as many people as possible without deliberately harming others. He would be an excellent diplomat.

But beyond his philosophical viewpoints, Tetsu is extremely laid-back and very adaptable in most social situations. His tendency to take other’s perspectives allows him understanding of other individuals, even if he does not share their viewpoint. This makes him difficult to anger nad even more difficult to incite to violence. However, he does have a burning passion for the equal treatment of all people, and can get righteously indignant about mistreatment, especially if an alternate situation is available in which everyone benefits. In short, cruelty for cruelty’s sake, is unacceptable.

Tetsu is also a good-spirited fellow, an excellent story-teller. He loves the company of others and is never afraid to share a meal or teach a lesson to any who would spend a piece of their life with him.
Compared to the understanding and traditions of the Onoda, Tetsugaku is quite the pariah, ignoring many of the customs and beliefs. Though many Onoda no longer consider him a member of the clan (if they believe he's alive at all), Tetsu makes no effort to hide his origins rand in fact still speaks of his people with pride, even if it is tinted with sadness.

Clan Information

Kekkei Genkai: Chouzetsugan


Special Effect: Chouzetsugan
Chouzetsugan is a powerful doujutsu technique with multiple applications. Firstly, it gives the Onoda user something akin to X-ray Vision. The detail and specificity of the Chouzetsugan changes with levels and personal abilities, but there are usually fairly common thresholds. At Genin level, the abilities of the Chouzetsugan are fairly simplistic. The Onoda user will be able to see the skeletal system of other creatures and well as the ability to see through most objects. At Chuunin level the Chouzetsugan will increase very much in power. The Onoda user will be able to see and attack the skeletal system, muscular system, digestive system, respiratory system, and cardiovascular system. Also, at Chuunin level, they will gain the ability to see through all solid objects. At Jounin level the Onoda user will be able to see and/or attack the skeletal system, muscular system, digestive system, respiratory system, cardiovascular system, nervous system, and immune system. Also, the range of the Chouzetsugan will increase greatly.

The second application of the Chouzetsugan is literally photographic memory. The Onoda user will be able to, literally, take pictures with their doujutsu and extract the memory later. However, the Onoda user will not be able to hold and infinite number of memories and pictures. At Genin level the Onoda user will be able to hold five to ten pictures or memories. The memories will be somewhat grainy and lose their detail with time if extraction is not completed in a fairly short amount of time. At Chuunin level the Onoda user will be able to hold twenty to twenty-five memories or pictures. The memories will lose most of their detail with time, but are much more resilient than at Genin level. At Jounin level the Onoda user will be able to hold a maximum of fifty pictures or memories. They will exist indefinitely and will not lose details with time. At any time the Onoda user will be able to delete memories and/or photographs and then replace them with others. Deletion is instantaneous and, once complete, the Onoda user will simply have a regular memory of the event.

The extraction technique is, actually, not very complex, but complications have been known to arise. The Onoda user will transfer the specific memory and/or picture they would like to save or see via chakra onto a special piece of paper. The paper is, usually, created in Konohagakure, because of the availability of trees, and then sent to the other villages. Once the memory or pictures is transferred to the paper it will take about two hours for processing and then development. The end result is either a single picture or a series of pictures that can be used for practically anything.

The third application of the Chouzetsugan is usually used in conjunction with the second application, although it is more battle related. The first step of this move is to take a 'mental picture' of an opponent using the second application of the Chouzetsugan. The Onoda user will then have to manipulate the picture or a series of pictures to form a move or a set of moves. Once the move in the Onoda Clan member's mind is completed, they will need to implant it into their opponents chakra system via most Kekkei Genkai jutsu.

At Genin level the Onoda user will be able to implant moves or ideas that extend over a period of ten seconds. The Onoda user will be able to affect mobility and the rate of chakra release. For example, they can create and implant a series of pictures into an opponent in which they will have to stand completely still for ten seconds, leaving them completely open for attack. Also, they can affect the rate at which and opponent releases chakra. For example, they will have the ability to create and implant a series of pictures in which an opponent will continually release a large amount of chakra for ten seconds. This greatly tires out opponents at all stages of battle. Additionally, at Genin level, in order for the memory to be transmitted the Onoda user needs to make three successful hits on an opponent. The hits can be over any series of posts, as long as it's three. After three hits they will only be able to transfer one memory at which point, to transfer another memory, they will have to hit their opponent another three times. At Chuunin level the Onoda user will be able to implant moves or ideas that extend over a period of thirty seconds. The Onoda user will be able to affect mobility, the rate of chakra release, and their susceptibility to Genjutsu. At Chuunin level two successful hits need to be made for transmittance. At Jounin level the Onoda user will be able to implant moves or ideas that extend over a period of two minutes. The Onoda user will be able to affect most aspects of their victims actions and most aspects of their susceptibility to attacks. At Jounin level only one successful hit needs to be made for transmittance.

Hanbusshitsu Chouzetsugan :: Antimatter Transcending Eye
The Chouzetsugan is the powerful doujutsu that, to some, defines the Onoda clan and grants it its power. Already dangerous in its initial form, many Onoda quested through scientific research and diligent training to find an advanced form of their eye, much like their oft-compared rivals the Uchiha. This state escaped them for generations. However, while meditating on the abilities of his Kekkei Genkai, Tetsugaku Onoda devised a theory for improving his phasing abilities. For months, Tetsu phased himself through a multitude of objects, learning how to match his body's physical state with the target object's phase boundary. While performing this training, Tetsu kept his Chouzetsugan active, attempting to use its analyzing properties to help him determine these boundaries.

To his surprise, it worked.

Tetsu, already a pioneer in Chouzetsugan research with over twenty-five years of experience, had found the elusive second state of the Chouzetsugan. In this awakened state, the world transformed into a color-coded world of phase boundaries; each portion of matter with similar phase boundaries were given a color by his mind, including the the Souton chakra that surrounded Tetsu's body when he phased through objects. By aligning the "color" (phase boundary) of his chakra, he found he could pass through objects with extreme ease and with higher precision, unlike the usual method of simply making his body extremely low density. This aided him in conserving chakra when phasing. As for a battle advantage, this new "state" of the Chouzetsugan did very little. However, by combining his thoughts with his most recent pupil Onoda Hiro, they were able to lead themselves to a new discovery.

The girl had been undergoing some new training, working on perfecting her first Incomplete S-Ranked technique. The principle of the technique is very simple, but extremely powerful. Souton - Phasing is defined by an element that, "allows for the free passing of person or objects through other matter, by controlling the molecules of substances... through using both Fuuton - Wind and then Doton - Earth chakra together one can control all the particles of matter that make up their surroundings." By extending this definition to the highest degree, Tetsu and Hiro were able to open the way into a second form of the Chouzetsugan. Aligning one's phase boundary (color) with the phase boundary of another object allows for free passage through that object. However, by aligning one's phase boundary with the anticolor of an object, it is possible to forcibly break those object's molecules apart.

Phase boundaries (colors) are organized much like the color wheel. There are two main types of phase boundaries to consider with the Hanbusshitsu Chouzetsugan. Anticolor phase boundaries (complementary colors) and pseudocolor phase boundaries (analogous colors). Anticolor phase boundaries allow for the disintegration of molecules while pseudocolor phase boundaries allow for some interesting variations of the the integration molecules. In order to use this technique one must have a base knowledge of color theory, they must be Chuunin, and they must be taught by either Onoda Hiro [olordyx] or Onoda Tetsugaku [Tsuneo Nara].

- Visual Appearance:
• Stage One:Mirage 2n1i552
• Stage Two:" border="0" alt=""/>

Link: (Link to Approval)

Skill and Rank Information

Village: Konohagakure

- Rouge

- Main: Fuuinjutsu/Medical Techniques
-Sub: Taijutsu

Special Characteristics:
[ Speed ]

The epitome of speed describes his abilities well. Years of harsh, grueling, and difficult training have sculpted Hiro into nothing but muscle. His relatively tall frame with an extremely developed core allow him to reach speeds that rival the fastest shinobi on the continent. Hiro is nigh untouchable on the battlefield, making him a frightening opponent. Additionally, because of his Souton abilities, Hiro can naturally stave off the effects of traveling constantly at such high speeds. Joint, ligament, and muscle trouble that would usually be associated with this ability is not an issue for Hiro because of his clan abilities. Souton chakra runs naturally through his veins, like blood, and leaves him with an incredibly fit body that can will withstand the test of time. Hiro leaves no guesswork in this ability, and has defined most of his techniques by capitalizing on this skill.

[ Medical Techniques and Knowledge ]

Hiro does not carry the title, "The Phantom of Bodies," for nothing. Hiro has an intense knowledge of the human body, of both its anatomy and physiology. Hiro can, therefore, use this knowledge to secure pressure points, cut necessary ligaments and muscles, and a myriad of other abilities that stem from this. His knowledge of the human body has put him at the forefront of his clan and have left him the next in line to succeed leadership. Hiro, because of him knowledge, also does fairly well with medical techniques. While no where near the abilities of the masters within Sunagakure, Hiro is a proficient medical-nin that can heal most wounds.

Name: Operation 2893HD
Rank: B [ Two Chuunin One Jounin Required]
Positive Effects: The user will now be immune to most poisons.
Negitive Effects: Over production of white blood cells could lead to complications in the future.
Description of Operation: One Medical Ninja will constantly check the vitals of the Shinboi while the other will open up one of the arms and bone. Now with the bone marrow exposed another Medical Ninja will do their best to keep the area clear of blood while the other injects certain chemicals into the bone marrow to increase the white blood cell production. After this is done the three Ninja will quickly patch up the arm and clean up the wound.

[ Flexibility, Agility, Dexterity, and Coordination ]

Hiro, from the beginning of his life, was raised within the circus. His physical prowess was cultivated from an extremely young age and has allowed him to become incredibly flexible and agile. His coordination is excellent, leaving him with intimate knowledge of his body and its location relative to other body parts. Hiro also has excellent dexterity, allowing him to bend his body to whatever the situation. Hiro, additionally, also has the use of his Souton chakra, which ensures that he can reach farther than nearly any other shinobi. Hiro, truly, has a reach of three-hundred-sixty degrees leaving him with nothing that he cannot reach.

[ Strength ]

Hiro, comparatively for his size, is somewhat strong in this area. His tall form and slim body prevent him from developing anything truly substantial. Hiro is not particularly strong as compared to other Jounin level shinobi. Hiro is, therefore, a little less than average in his strength. Hiro's true show of strength comes in the sheer ability of his muscles. Hiro does not exhibit brute force, but a skilled ability to apply all the force he possesses at one single point. Through this, Hiro can summon strength within him that would otherwise be impossible. Additionally, Hiro has trained intimately with Gouwan [Strong Fist] which has allowed him to bridge any gap that might arise from his relative lack in strength.

[ Endurance and Stamina ]

The spartan training of the Onoda has lifted Hiro to endurance and stamina capacities rarely seen within him clan. His intense training with speed have allowed Hiro to cross thresholds that would normally leave a person in ruin. Hiro had intense faith in his abilities and it shows through his stamina and endurance. Almost nothing can stop Hiro once he has set his mind on accomplishing what he must. Additionally, Hiro's intimate knowledge of his own body will allow Hiro to surpass his own physical limitations and bring forth a strength that many would not expect his possess. Hiro, in truth, fights to surpass himself, and no one else.

[ Chakra Control and Capacity ]

Hiro, for his rank and age, has an above average chakra capacity. However, he has increased chakra control. While not on the level of Hyuuga masters, Hiro can nearly match them. After training with Hyuuga Akemi so many years ago, Hiro has gone forth and trained himself to have excellent chakra control. His uncle, Akihiro, has additionally aided Hiro in this training. His chakra control allows Hiro to perform high level medicals techniques and use very sensitive and otherwise difficult techniques. His chakra control is not incredibly amazing, but it is abnormally good and serves him well with his abilities.

[ Ninjutsu ]

Beyond Taijutsu, Ninjutsu is one of Hiro's greatest strengths. Hiro is a nearly an entirely offensive fighter and his Ninjutsu reflect that. Hiro has intimate knowledge of the Ninjutsu of his clan, his own developed Ninjutsu, and that of his summons. Hiro has an extensive knowledge of supplementary, offensive, and defensive Ninjutsu that allow him to parry or attack under most if not all circumstances. If Hiro does not end an opponent with his Ninjutsu, Hiro will end an opponent with his Taijutsu. It should also be noted that within the realm of Ninjutsu, Hiro has the advanced sense of hearing. Her advanced sense of hearing comes from an echolocation-like ability that allow him to see the world from all sides.

[ Taijutsu ]

Taijutsu has defined Hiro over the years, making him extremely deadly in close combat. His Taijutsu prowess allow Hiro to destroy opponents inside and out, to leave them, literally, with nothing. Hiro is proficient in three distinct forms of Taijutsu combat. Hiro, while mostly an offensive fighter, has now developed his defensive skills that would have otherwise left him at a disadvantage. Few can best Hiro in hand-to-hand combat. Hiro, additionally, is also proficient when using a sword and small scale weaponry, such as shuriken and senbon.

[ Genjutsu ]

Genjutsu is probably Hiro's weakest area, in both casting and defending against. Hiro never bothered with Genjutsu as they did not combat his style of combat. Genjutsu, to Hiro, has been labeled as useless and, as such, he has left it in the dust. His Doujutsu and some Fuuinjutsu he has developed allow Hiro to stave off most opponents that would otherwise cause him trouble. However, with a powerful enough Genjutsu Hiro is certain to fall prey.

[ Fuuinjutsu ]

Fuuinjutsu is Hiro's specialty and is, no doubt, his strongest area. Hiro has long practiced Fuuinjutsu with making deadly and useful seals that have served him well over the years. It is only recently, however, Hiro has begun to cultivate the more traditional skills of Fuuinjutsu. Hiro is deadly with an sort of writing substance and an object to write it on. His knowledge of Fuuinjutsu techniques are highly learned and diverse. He, however, cannot compare to such men as Ibaku or other Fuuinjutsu masters. He is highly proficient, but his areas of concentration have been so broad it has left him with no true focus.

Elemental & Jutsu Information

Elemental Affinity

Primary Element Fuuton • Wind
Secondary Element Doton • Earth
Combination Souton • Phasing

• (. . .)

RP Sample/History

Rp Sample: (. . .)


Pre-Academy Arc. Far more many years ago than most Genin care to think about, Tetsugaku was born as the middle of three sons to two loving parents in the Onoda clan. And unlike many three-child situations, Tetsugaku was the favored boy of the three, being the charmed and loved one of his parents, teachers, and peers and was always known for being fun, intelligent, and fared well with the ladies.

Tetsu’s abilities and personality were only brought into sharper focus when compared to his brothers. His older brother burdened himself with the weight of family honor, pushing himself day in and day out to become the best Onoda he could be in order to make their father proud and to further his recognition in the clan. He trained so often and so frequently that Tetsu later in life believed his brother pushed himself too hard, never letting his body recover and adapt to the pressure. His constant work made Tetsu’s effortlessness more remarakable by contrast.

His younger brother, in the meantime, was completely talentless. He had to work three times as hard as the eldest son to get less than half of the results; in fact, there was a great deal of medical concern surrounding the youngest son since his Chouzetsugan seemed unusually dormant and did not manifest itself until he was 9. Lacking ambition to push through these difficulties, he soon dropped out of the shinobi life and dedicated himself to working in the Onoda Complex as a civilian. His lack of talent made Tetsu’s shine brightly.

Academy Arc. Like many his age, Tetsu was enrolled into the Konohagakure Ninja Academy at the age of 7. He excelled in his studies and was easily the most popular kid in his class, earning admiration of all. Even as a child, Tetsu had a strong sense of justice and equality, and strove to limit cliques and keep the class as a single entity. Even the Academy Instructors were impressed with Tetsu’s peacemaking skills and their class was favored for many years.

Genin Arc. At the age of 12, Tetsu was promoted to Genin and assigned to a team as all young shinobi are. His Chouzetsugan abilities were remarkable, even for an Onoda, and he excelled at his missions, never complaining about the lowly D-ranks and soon earned favor with his sensei and the Third Hokage. He also adhered to the Onoda way of diligent training, practicing his skills daily as much as his free-spirit could stand.

He took the Chuunin exams three times, failing the first two times intentionally in order to protect his teammates. The first time the kunoichi of his team, and a brief flame of his, was seriously injured during the Forest of Death phase, and he sacrificed his matching scroll in exchange for medical supplies from visiting Suna-nin. The second time he found himself battling this same girl at the third phase, and he let himself lose so that she could be promoted. The third time he aced easily, effortlessly.

Now 15 and a Chuunin, Tetsu found himself in exciting places both in his shinobi career and in his own Onoda culture. His talent with the Chouzetsugan gained him early entry into the “scholar” program, allowing him to work on research with the doujutsu, seeking to find and improve on the clan’s most potent technique. His ability to master the memory implanting ability (which at the time was newly formed) instantly drew the attention of all, and the murmurs of Tetsu becoming the next head scholar when he grew older began to spread like wildfire.

Chunnin Arc. As a Chuunin, Tetsu was charged with many important shinobi duties, but one of his most important was being assigned to an elite team formed by the Konoha Village Council. Consisting of himself, an Uchiha, and a Hyuuga, the three most powerful Doujutsu of Konoha teamed together to become an unstoppable force. Tetsu enjoyed his teammates; especially the young Uchiha girl with whom he'd become quite familiar with as time went on. The three, under the guidance of a powerful Jounin, completed many of the most dangerous missions within Konoha's history.

Two years passed and Tetsu could not have been more content. He awaited his Jounin exam and to hear about his application into ANBU, had found true love in his Uchiha teammate, and was making progressive leaps and bounds in his Chouzetsugan studies. But this tranquility could not last forever. Two years passed and Tetsu could not have been more content. He became an Jounin then an ANBU, had found true love in his Uchiha teammate, and was making progressive leaps and bounds in his Chouzetsugan studies. But this tranquility could not last forever. On the eve of his 18th birthday, Tetsu’s elder brother was retrieved from a mission and brought to the Konoha hospital with very serious injuries. During the mission he attempted a very complex phasing maneuver and had failed, solidifying himself at the wrong time causing serious internal damage. The doctors worked for hours but ultimately he died on the operating table. Tetsu’s family was crushed, and Tetsu himself began to question the propriety of the Onoda way.

But the grieving shinobi didn’t have much time for luxury. His elite unit was sent out immediately to retrieve the missing-nin that Tetsu’s elder brother had been chasing. Determined to avenge his brother, he felt himself rising with a killing lust and with a fiery impatience that caused him to convince his team to depart without their sensei .The three master Doujutsu users found the missing-nin escaping from Konoha and began to battle. But much to Tetsu’s surprise, his Hyuuga teammate turned on them, claiming that he too wished to leave Konoha and find a life for himself outside of the Hyuuga’s strict society. Tetsu and his Uchiha lover battled ferociously, he taking on the original missing-nin in order to avenge his brother and she attempting to prove what she had been mocking to her Hyuuga teammate all along: that the Sharingan was stronger than the Byakugan. Tetsu managed to kill the men who had caused his brother’s death but at the cost of losing the opportunity to save his lover. The Hyuuga struck her down remorselessly and soon turned on Tetsu.

Onoda and Hyuuga fought one another in a sorrowful duel, one in which Tetsu became the victor after disabling his teammate’s arms. The loss of his brother and girlfriend still fresh, Tetsu refused to add to the body count and instead captured his teammate, taking him towards Konoha. Unfortunately, hours later the Hyuuga would escape his bonds while Tetsu was sleep. The Onoda would wake and pursue him, only to find a horrific sight: a Hyuuga retrieval team had caught his teammate and used the curse mark on his head to kill him.

Officially, Tetsu Onoda died that day. The Hyuuga retrieval team assumed that the boy they executed had killed him in battle, and though Tetsu knew his family would be saddened by this “loss”, there was much he had to think about. For the next ten years, he would travel the world: through the peaks of Kumo to the desert mounds of Suna, across the canyons of Iwa and through the mist of Kiri. He saw countless wonders, met hundreds of people, and began to explore many cultures and customs, helping people where he could with his abilities. It was during this time he began to see the world in a new, holistic perspective; one devoid of the Konoha and Onoda prejudice. He also began to think about himself and how the things he had learned had become not very useful in a world and lifestyle of peace and prosperity, that his diligent training to learn how to kill and maim would not feed the hungry or cure the sick.

Wanderer Arc. After ten years of wandering, Tetsu found himself in the mountains of Kumo once again. He decided that he would spend the next years contemplating the purpose of the Onoda abilities and of kekkei genkai in general. He had spent years studying philosophies and beliefs of many people, and now he would try to discover the truth and purpose of his own bloodline. To do so, Tetsu began living in a cave near a remote village in Lightning Country. He lived a life of solitude, only coming to the village for food and supplies periodically; in exchange, he did favors for the village when he was able to do so. Ten years of contemplation and experimentation with his bloodline passed within Kumo, and Tetsu’s discoveries were becoming stagnant. He had learned a lot about himself and about how his people could fit into the world, but the world had changed. He now knew he had to return to it to try and impart what he had learned to others and to test to see if what he believed could really work in the shinobi world. Gathering up what few belongings he had, he descended the mountain and crossed through the woods and into the burning sands of Suna. During his time in the mountains of Kumo, it is said that he acquired the essence of poison in he for of Juushi no Sukanku, the spiritual manifestation within him have changed ways to that of a darker persona. . .

Last edited by Koūin on Mon Jul 19, 2010 1:32 am; edited 1 time in total
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Hiei Nakamura

Hiei Nakamura

Posts : 49
Join date : 2010-07-16
Age : 30
Location : Corning Newyork

Mirage Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mirage   Mirage EmptyMon Jul 19, 2010 12:41 am


also since your a rogue and i like your stuff. very badass i think you might want to join Akegata
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Mirage Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mirage   Mirage EmptyMon Jul 19, 2010 12:56 am

Mhm. . . Thanks for the offer . . . I'll consider the request and get back to you with my answer . . .
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Hiei Nakamura

Hiei Nakamura

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Mirage Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mirage   Mirage EmptyMon Jul 19, 2010 1:00 am

okay, also im not the leader Karasu Uchiha is. we currently have 3 members. myself Ayama and Karasu
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Mirage Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mirage   Mirage EmptyMon Jul 19, 2010 1:11 am

Thank you for the information . . .
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Hiei Nakamura

Hiei Nakamura

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Age : 30
Location : Corning Newyork

Mirage Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mirage   Mirage EmptyMon Jul 19, 2010 1:12 am

No problem
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Mirage Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mirage   Mirage Empty

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